Thursday, September 07, 2006

Op Shop day

OKiddo no. 5 and I went and helped out at our church's op shop which is run by a good friend of mine, so while I was pricing up items we got to hang out and chat. The downside of working there is that I always come home with something! I got a pink long-sleeved top for me, a pumpkin patch top for kiddo no. 3, and kiddo no.5 discovered a pair of CareBear shoes that she quickly put on one foot, (and a slipper on the other foot!) and refused to take them off so they came home with us.

Still feeling a bit blah, although it may have a lot to do with the fact that I kept being woken up by kiddo no.4 who decides to talk to me in the middle of the night! We are currently having to share a room until we get a four bedroom place but if this keeps on for much longer I'll end up sleeping on the couch. Boy, can he talk! He asks things like "Can I watch such and such dvd when it's time to wake up?" and starts snoring before I've even replied. I did end up falling asleep on the couch this afternoon. I sat down to watch SpongeBob about ten minutes before it started and promptly fell asleep. When I woke the kiddos had a dvd on so I told them to change the channel to SpongeBob and got laughed at.

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