Monday, October 30, 2006

It still amazes me..

That I can walk into a number of buildings around town and come out with my arms full of books without paying a cent! The library has got to be one of my favourite places to visit, I'm there several times a week. To be honest, I was in four of them today. A quick dash over to one because I saw online they had a book I've wanted to read for a while, then into the town library to pick up a hold and get some doll houses and minatures mags, then into the beach library as kiddo two wanted to play on the playstation for a while so I read some of the latest mags out while watching the waves, and finally into our closest library to fill in some time while waiting for a prescription to be filled. I hope I'm not the only one to be such a frequent visitor. lol.
Tomorrow Alex and I are back off to Wellington for another operation to his nose. I've packed library books to take (Maeve Binchy's latest for me and Asterix for Alex) and some wool to start knitting kiddo five something for next winter as well as some embroidery to fill in the hours. We're only going for two nights this time but I like a bit of variety so I can choose to do something I feel like doing. Alex is happy just with Asterix and his hospital tv. Oh, and the many ice-blocks he can have. Tonight he was telling his sister that he just had to press the call button and ask the nurse for an iceblock, and he could have one, even in the middle of the night! And she's jealous. lol.

Friday, October 27, 2006

Updated to Blogger Beta

Not sure if I'm liking it though. It's a pain in the butt having to have a google account, I have far too many accounts to remember all the usernames and passwords correctly as it is. It took me half an hour to remember what they were this time. Maybe I better write it down before I forget it again.

We had a lovely quiet day at home today. The house is still new enough to feel like we are still discovering new things such as holes and stuff in the garden, or working out new patterns of doing things, like moving stuff around to more suitable places. The girls room got a bit of a tidy up but I discovered afterwards that the youngest kiddo decided to rearrange things again herself, shifting her princess stool over to her bed so she can climb up on it to get herself into bed, and moving her shoes down near the mirror so she can see herself wearing them. Such a practical girl. lol.

Today's photo is of some dolls house furniture that I picked up in Wellington a couple of weeks ago. I found them in one of those cheap $2 type shops. I bought about eight different pieces of furniture, each costing $2.50! They aren't 1:12 scale, but I think everything except the bed will work ok. At that price I couldn't really leave them. I'll have to go and have a look to see if they have some more in stock when I go up to Wellington again next week as the youngest kiddo wants her own dolls house now, just like Mummy's. Maybe she'll leave mine alone then. That would be nice. lol.

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

The New House

The Dolls House that is! A bargain for $30 off of Trade Me. Ahh, onto the planning now. Let's see, that colour has to go! It's not quite that bright irl, but a softer colour would improve it heaps. The windows and door need to be reshaped, the hinges re-hung, stairs fitted and the top should probably be reshaped as well. I'm thinking the rooms will be a kitchen, lounge, bedroom and a craft room. I may be able to squeeze in a little bathroom but I'm not too worried if it doesn't have one. The craft room is more important. lol.

I didn't die of shock...

After the meteorite in August that is. The long break from blogging was due to a couple of events happening at the same time which kept me quite busy and stressed. The first event was Alex beginning his nose surgeries to remove an AVM. (Arterial Venous Malformation). He has had four operations so far making his face look quite different as there is a skin graft sitting right beside his nose, but he is doing very well and hasn't been in any pain at all. There's two more operations to go through in the next month or so, and possibly another one when he hits his mid teens.

The second event was packing up all our belongings and moving into a four bedroom house. I still have boxes to unpack in every room but I couldn't wait to start on building a craft area in my bedroom. I wanted to get stuck into some cardmaking but today I was hunting high and low for my 12" cutter with no success. I *think* I know where it might be now, will look again for it tomorrow. So instead of making cards like I wanted, I got stuck into making some minis.

I saw some bags in an old Dolls House and Miniature Scene mag that had a rectangular shape to them that I thought would be easy enough to do. However mine's come out with more of a shape to it which I quite like. The fabric dimensions were 3" by 1.75". The short sides were hemmed with glue, then I put glue down the long sides and folded the fabric in half. The top of the bag was folded and glued at the top once more, and when the glue had dried I turned the bag inside out and stuck the ribbon handles (2.5") on the inside. Very easy to do.

While the glue on the bag was drying I got out my cross stitch threads to make the mini threads. Simply folded with a tiny bit of paper wrapped around them. I've seen them done with the DMC label shrunk and stuck on but I quite like this plain look.

I just realised that like my full sized house, my dolls house is getting the craft area done first! A girl has got to have priorities right? LOL