Monday, January 07, 2008

What happened there?

Where did 2007 go? Sheesh, it whizzed by! Brilliant, brilliant year for me personally. It felt for the first time in years that things were starting to go right again and that I became more sure of who I was and what I want from life and headed off confidently in that direction.

So in what direction am I going? Basically it's what my blog header says: my life filled with crafts, books, cooking, decorating, children, love and laughter. A single mum living a happy and contented life frugally in New Zealand. Hence the reason why I've come back to this blog again. 8:)

What happened in 2007: A solo campervan tour around Northland at the end of April with a gathering of scrapbooking friends to start it off. Also a month long trip overseas to California, the UK, and Europe. Words cannot describe how much confidence these trips gave me, in terms of pushing myself, ie riding the BIG roller coaster in California's Disney Adventure Park and negotiating the metro system in Paris at night, and also in terms of gaining social confidence which I didn't have a heck of a lot left of after my marriage broke down. The kiddo's also started a new school which was much better in terms of education and social interaction for them, making my life easier. The youngest kiddo also began school in October so I can get more things done at home now.

Also things that didn't happen were a blessing. No operations this year! Alex will need one this year but that should be about it. No moving house. We are feeling a lot more settled now. And dare I say it, the ex behaved himself a lot better in 2007, most disagreements were sorted by simply being able to state what was in the parenting order through the courts. That made things much, much easier. He called the cops on me once, and the cops saw the situation for what it was and laughed at him. Justice at last!

My goals for 2008 are fairly simple. To keep decluttering the house and selling excess stuff on Trade Me, to do more crafts, to try new recipes more often, and save some money. In otherwords, stay cosy at home.

Happy New Year Readers!

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